A recent article in Health Affairs Blog explores the role of family caregivers in the long-term care setting. The following extract addresses some of the burdens of caregiving:

“However, family caregiving can take a large financial, emotional, and physical toll on the caregiver. According to the AARP, the value of informal caregiving provided to adults was approximately $470 billion in 2013. Additionally, close to one out of 10 Americans over the age of 40 are both providing LTSS assistance to a family member and supporting a child. The emotional, social, physical, and financial burden on this “sandwich generation,” is significant.”

Read the full article at: http://healthaffairs.org/blog/2016/09/08/embracing-the-role-of-family-caregivers-in-the-u-s-health-system/

Published by
David L. McGuffey

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