What would you do if an emergency happened? Would you have enough money to replace a vehicle or put a new roof on your house. Could you survive several months of unemployment if you were laid off?

A recent article on cnbc.com asks how much emergency savings you need during times of uncertanty? The answers varied, but the concerning point is that more than half of Americans don’t have an emergency fund and 40% of those whodo have one have less than $10,000. Experts use a “rule of thumb” that you should keep 3 to 6 months of income on-hand, but everyone’s situation is different. At least one expert cautioned that you should keep at least 9 months of emergency reserves during uncertain times. One good piece of advice is to have a buffer: if you think you need $20,000 in reserve, then have that plus an additional amount.

Published by
David McGuffey

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