
Does Medicare pay for all of my health care? No. Medicare only pays for covered goods and services. In fact, there are many co-pays and deductibles. The 2016 co-pays are at the following link: The 2017 numbers have not been finalized yet, but when they are, they should be posted at the same link. […]

When can you get Medicare? You can sign up for Medicare during the initial enrollment period, which begins 3 months before the month you turn 65, continues through the month you turn 65 and for an additional three months thereafter. In other words, the initial open enrollment period is 7 months. If you do not […]

Woo-hoo!!! Social Security has increased its payments for 2017 by — wait for it — .03% for 2017. That means someone who was on SSI and received $733 per month in 2016 will receive a $2 per month increase in 2017. With monthly benefits soaring to $735 per month, we remind you “don’t spend it […]

“Home care aides, mostly women and mostly minorities, represent one of the nation’s fastest-growing occupations, increasing from 700,000 to more than 1.4 million over the past decade. Add the independent caregivers that clients employ directly through public programs, and the total rises to more than two million.” Unfortunately, wages have been stagnant. One can only […]

A recent article published by the Huffinton Post explores what it’s like to life in a retirment community. In the article, the write states “Studies have shown that people who live in retirement communities are healthier and live longer than people isolated in their own home.” N. Josefowitx, What is it like to live in […]

A recent article in Health Affairs Blog explores the role of family caregivers in the long-term care setting. The following extract addresses some of the burdens of caregiving: “However, family caregiving can take a large financial, emotional, and physical toll on the caregiver. According to the AARP, the value of informal caregiving provided to adults […]

Caregivers of those with dementia know that decision-making is challenging. The following extract from an article addresses problems with communication. “Finster has had dementia for 10 years. She has spent most of that time in facilities with increasing levels of care, moving from an independent living facility, to assisted living to memory care. Mantua has […]

Medicare Home health services How often is it covered? Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and/or Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers eligible home health services like intermittent skilled nursing care, physical therapy, speech-language pathology services, continued occupational services, and more. Usually, a home health care agency coordinates the services your doctor orders for you. Medicare […]

Many Americans rely on Social Security for income during retirement. Taking Social Security too early may result in a lifetime reduction of your benefit. Whether you are applying for yourself, or as based on someone else’s record (such as a divorced or widowed spouse) we suggest that you speak with a financial planner who can […]

On July 5, 2016, in Doctors Hospital of Augusta v. Alicea, 2016 Ga. LEXIS 448 (2016), the Georgia Supreme Court affirmed lower court decisions denying a motion for summary judgment. In doing so, the Court interpreted the Georgia Advanced Directive Act, O.C.G.A. § 31-32-1 et seq., holding that it is the will of the patient […]


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