Blog has a page telling you which Medicare Supplement standardized plans offer which benefits. That page is located atย A note on that page states: “As of January 1, 2020, Medigap plans sold to new people with Medicare aren’tย allowed to cover the Part B deductible. Because of this, Plans C and Fย are notย available to people […]

CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield signed a declaration determining that the evictions of tenants could be detrimental to public health control measures to slow the spread of SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. For more information on the order, please visit: icon Form to determine whether you qualify:ย Article about ban on evictions:ย

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) this month introduced a new initiative that will incorporate law enforcement efforts with other federal agencies to address fraud schemes that target the elderly. The Transnational Elder Fraud Strike Force will feature an amalgamation between the DOJโ€™s Consumer Protection Branch, U.S. Attorneysโ€™ Offices for six federal districts, the FBI, […]

Annuities are complex financial products which frequently earn the seller high commissions. Because commissions are high, salesmen frequently use high-presure tactics. A recent article in the Pittsburg Post Gazette discribes how many seniors are harmed by abusive sales tactics. โ€œHe never explained to us the penalties and fees we would have to pay,โ€ Ms. Welsh […]

We’ve posted a new paper titledย Legal Considerations for Older Adults, Special Needs Individuals and Family Caregivers: 2018.

Hopefully, the answer is that it means nothing. However, religion has been used to justify intolerance since the dawn of time. An article describing historic discrimination of disabled persons concludesย that virtually all major religions have, at one time or another, found a reason to relegate disabled persons to second class status. In Judaism, the source […]

Kathleen Audia is sixty three (63) years old this year. She has been hearing impaired since childhood, and lost total hearing when she was fifty-five (55). Her primary language is American Sign Language; she does not read lips well enough to understand more than a small portion of conversations. In 2015, Kathleen fell. She had […]

On January 29, 2018, CNN reported that a British Court ruled in favor of doctors, and against parents, holding that doctors could withdraw life support for a severely disabled child. Baby Isaiah was born by emergency cesarean after his mother experienced a rupture in her uterus. At birth, he had no audible heartbeat or respiration, […]

On December 28, 2017, CNN reported the beating of an eighty-six year old man with dementia who was a resident in an assisted living facility. Apparently a younger resident accused the older gentleman of eating his cupcake. The younger resident then beat the older man more than 50 times during a two minute period. No […]

A video clip from Dr. Phil shows him interviewingย the wife of someone with a chronic illness, pointing out the strain on caregivers. One of the points made is that you can’t give what you don’t have, so you must make time to take care of yourself. The clip is available at the following link. […]


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