
A recent article in Kiplinger, How To Avoid Aretha Franklin and Prince’s Estate Planning Errors, discusses the Estates of James Brown, Aretha Franklin and Prince. Each of them left estates that were the subject of years of litigation. Each of them could have avoided those problems by planning for their death. Among the recommendations in […]

Meet Lead Counsel for Autism Justice

The Elder Law Practice is honored to be participating in Autism Justice, a coalition of scientists, consumer advocates and lawyers helping women and their families hold drug companies accountable for damages these companies are causing to these families and to get these products labeled properly so that pregnant women can make fully informed choices about […]

You might ask, what is Autism Justice? Well, research demonstrates that pregnant women who take or took products containing acetaminophen, like Tylenol and others, have significantly increased risk of having a baby who develops Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism Justice is a coalition of scientists, consumer advocates and lawyers helping women and their families hold […]

Open Enrollment 2023

Medicare Open Enrollment for 2023 is just around the corner. For Medicare health and drug plans, Open Enrollment is October 15 through December 7, 2023. During the Open Enrollment Period, you can: Join, drop, or switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan (or add or drop drug coverage). Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage […]

One thing we want to provide all of our client families is peace of mind. We’re human, so we don’t always succeed, but it is always our goal. With that in mind, we’ve tried to make it easy to find us. Our contact information is on our contact page. Having said that, here is how […]

Some of our followers know we’ve been building an educational website called EZ Elder Law. We started this project almost three years ago and it went live in March of 2021. We know it takes time to build something this large, so it has always been viewed as a 10 year project. The purpose of […]

On June 1, 2023, KFF Health news reported that more than 600,000 Americans have lost Medicaid coverage since pandemic protections ended on April 1, 2023. During the pandemic, Medicaid programs were prohibited from dropping any covered individuals. But now that pandemic protections have ended, States are back to performing normal pre-pandemic annual reviews. It is […]

On May 30, 2023, the Carter Family announced that Former Lady Rosalynn Carter has dementia. The press release is available here. Our sympathies are with the Carter Family. Having met the First Lady when I spoke at her Caregiver Institute, I believe the following song describes the feeling between President Cater and the First Lady: […]

A recent article in Kiplinger says Saving for Retirement Isn’t Enough: You Need a Wealth Plan. But haven’t we all heard that? If you don’t have a plan, then you’re planning to fail. The article likens retiring without a plan to boarding a plane with insufficient fuel, no emergency life jackets and no air masks. […]

A new Gallup pole, discussed in Americans Remain Discouraged About Personal Finances, indicates that Americans continue to worry about their financial health. The poll included a new open ended question asking “respondents to name the most important financial problem facing their family.” Thirty-five percent of Americans responded that inflation is their cheif concern. Sixty-six percent […]


How Can We Help?

If you would like to know more about how our firm can serve you, we invite you to call us at 800-241-8755 or fill out the “How Can We Help” form on any page on this website. If you hire us, our goals are to solve the problems  you entrust to us and to provide peace of mind.


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