The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) recently updated its Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker. The tracker was originally published on May 3 and is updated regularly as new data becomes available. As of July 28, 2023, at least 3,816,000 individuals have been kicked off of Medicaid. This amounts to a shocking 38% of people who have completed the renewal process. Further, KFF reports that some Medicaid data is unreported so these number may understate the problem.
Many Medicaid applications and renewals were improperly handled (e.g., stuck together with bubble gum and rubber bands) during COVID. To make matters worse, many of the experienced caseworkers quit or found work elsewhere when wages started going up For example, Buc-ees pays people more to stock shelves than the State pays Medicaid caseworkers. Now that the COVID waivers have expired, new and inexperienced caseworkers are reviewing eligibility. If you’re in the midst of a complicated or contested Medicaid application or renewal, the Elder Law Practice can help. Call us at 706-428-0888 or use the contact form on this page.
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