
Can You Retire?

From time to time, I read “ruminations” published by David E. Hultstrom. Along with Anitha Rao, David is the co-founder of Financial Architects and is the smartest person who never successfully taught me how to use a financial calculator. In his July 1, 2023 post, David answered someone’s question about retirement this way: “You can […]

On July 26, 2023, released a story titled โ€œOur glass is half emptyโ€ โ€” why your clients are worried. It discusses a recent survey conducted by Blackrock which indicates that the number of U.S. retirement savers who feel they are โ€œoff trackโ€ has more than doubled since 2021. As a result, nearly 30% of […]

A recent article in Kiplinger says Saving for Retirement Isn’t Enough: You Need a Wealth Plan. But haven’t we all heard that? If you don’t have a plan, then you’re planning to fail. The article likens retiring without a plan to boarding a plane with insufficient fuel, no emergency life jackets and no air masks. […]

Saving for An Emergency

What would you do if an emergency happened? Would you have enough money to replace a vehicle or put a new roof on your house. Could you survive several months of unemployment if you were laid off? A recent article on asks how much emergency savings you need during times of uncertanty? The answers […]


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