Fiduciary, Executor and Trustee Services

Sometimes having an independent or professional fiduciary (e.g. Executor or Trustee) brings value to the table. When there is family conflict or distrust, or when the beneficiary is disabled and a special needs trust must be administered, having an impartial and experienced voice can foster peace and stability.

Mr. McGuffey is willing to serve as Personal Representative for estates, as Conservator, and as Trustee of trusts on a case by c

ase basis. If you are not a client, then you would retain Mr. McGuffey directly as Trustee. If you are an existing client, then we require a signed conflict of interest notice.

You are under no obligation to appoint Mr. McGuffey as fiduciary and Mr. McGuffey is under no obligation to accept your appointment until we agree on the terms of service. Before making a decision, you should consider other potential choices of executor, trustee, conservator or agent, their relative abilities, competence, safety and integrity, and their fee structure. Mr. McGuffey will discuss the nature of the representation and service that will result if you name him as executor, trustee or agent (i.e., what the exact role of the lawyer as fiduciary will be, what the lawyer’s fee structure will be as a lawyer/fiduciary). Mr. McGuffey will discuss the potential for the attorney/fiduciary hiring himself or herself or his or her firm to represent the estate or trust, and the fee arrangement anticipated. Mr. McGuffey will advise you concerning the potential advantages of seeking independent legal advice. These terms are negotiable; unless we agree on terms of service, neither of us has an obligation to proceed.

Mr. McGuffey is willing to work with most financial planners, banks and accountants if you have existing relationships. If you do not have an existing relationship with a financial planner, bank or accountant, then we will discuss with you which service provider is most suited to your situation.

If you retain Mr. McGuffey as fiduciary, then unless we agree to a different fee, our fee structure is the statutory fee structure for fiduciaries, plus expenses; in cases where there is no statutory fee, or if we agree to different terms, then it is Mr. McGuffey’s hourly rate or an agreed upon flat-fee or contingent fee. If outside counsel is retained, then there would be no additional legal fee from our office, but outside counsel would charge their agreed upon fee. If McGuffey serves as legal counsel for the trust, conservatorship or estate, then his office will charge an hourly fee for legal representation in addition to the fee for serving as personal representative, conservator or trustee. In all cases where Mr. McGuffey serves as Executor or Administrator of an Estate, or as Trustee, a Certified Public Accountant will be retained to file applicable tax forms and that expense will be passes on to the client.

If you have questions about our fiduciary services, please contact Mr. McGuffey.

How Can We Help?

If you would like to know more about how our firm can serve you, we invite you to call us at 800-241-8755 or fill out the “How Can We Help” form on any page on this website. If you hire us, our goals are to solve the problemsย  you entrust to us and to provide peace of mind.


Preferred Initial Meeting